
Cute little Bella with her Valentines dress and shoes...

I was reading a book to Phoenix yesterday about colors. Every page had 4 items of the same color on it. When we reached the "orange" page I pointed to each picture and asked him what it was. His reply was "an orange-orange", "orange carrots", "orange punkin", "orange-milk"....I just about peed my pants!

What I want to know is...what's the girl on the right side doing? Anyway, more adventure's...Isabella woke from her nap with poop all over her crib again. I stripped her crib including a little pink blanket (thanks, Anna) that she can't sleep without and threw it all in the washer. Later on, I had Phoenix with a fever in my lap and the babies tugging on my leg screaming for bedtime. Then, to cut back on details, Phoenix threw up, babies tugging on throw up blanket, Phoenix screaming, babies screaming, Bella falls back and hits her head, Carson comforts Bella, cribs stripped down, can't find binki, bedding still wet in washer..blah, blah, blah. Anyway, the boys had a fun weekend with their cuz', Cadyn. Such a cute hippie!

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