So we knew Peyton was allergic to we gave him Omnicef for a little ear infection. It was a 10% crossover reaction and I guesss he fit in that 10% because he's now on more meds trying to control the hives!
Part of his allergic reaction included swollen knees!
This picture below was his allergic reaction to his sister biting's amazing how your skin just puffs right up when you get bit by your vampire sister! This is a picture that includes 3 different bites from three different episodes...she always goes for his right arm for some reason!
This is a before picture of Peyton's hair before we cut in in LV. Gonna miss the curls!
This is a before picture of Peyton's hair before we cut in in LV. Gonna miss the curls!
He loves his new hair cut!
Another bite...left arm this time! i guess she was giving him a break!
Now Sicily got a haircut today by me (Aubs)...I'm pretty sure it's the worst doggie haircut ever, but I think I really impressed some potential homebuyers of the infamous "red house" when they looked over and saw me giving her a haircut ...the remains looked like I cut her hair with a cheese grater!
Now Sicily got a haircut today by me (Aubs)...I'm pretty sure it's the worst doggie haircut ever, but I think I really impressed some potential homebuyers of the infamous "red house" when they looked over and saw me giving her a haircut ...the remains looked like I cut her hair with a cheese grater!